Registration for BICA 2021 is open now, is provided by BICA Society and processed via Eventbrite. Each accepted paper must be accompanied with a separate and timely registration payment. Participation and presentation at the BICA Workshop is free and requires an advance registration in EasyChair.
How to register
Go to the Eventbrite registration page and click on Tickets. Then select the option(s) you need.
If you are presenting a poster, then we ask you to prepare an electronic poster and upload it to EasyChair to the e-Poster field of your original submission by this weekend and not later than by Sunday, September 12. Use one of the two options:
(1) A full-size electronic poster based on the template that can be found found in
(2) A miniposter in an arbitrary format on a single regular page (A4 or Letter) in portrait orientation, including information about the authors and a summary of your work, using text and graphics.
Please send the poster in PowerPoint or PDF, or a miniposter in Word or PDF. Again, we need your file by this weekend.
About this event
2021 Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA 2021), the 12th Annual Meeting of the BICA Society, will be held virtually during September 10-19 with the main plenary sessions on Monday, September 13 ( at IS4SI 2021, Vienna, Austria) and on Tuesday, September 14 (at IVA’21, University of Fukuchiyama, Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto, Japan).
Therefore, BICA 2021 consists of two parallel virtual events: (1) Information in Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) based Systems at the 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information, September 12-19, 2021, Vienna, Austria, and (2) 2021 International Workshop on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures: BICA Workshop at the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 14-17, University of Fukuchiyama, Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto, Japan.
This registration page is for those participants who choose to publish their papers in the Springer series "Studies in Computational Intelligence" (indexed in Scopus). Otherwise, participation in the virtual conference BICA 2021 is free of charge, but requires an advance submission and acceptance of an abstract (abstract of a talk, a poster, a discussion panel, or a short personal bio statement of the participant) using EasyChair at Each accepted paper (from 4 to 6 pages) must be covered by a separate registration payment. Longer papers accepted for publication in Springer in addition require an extra page fee indicated below, together with all BICA 2021 payment options:
- BICA 2021 Full Regular Registration: $250 USD;
- Extra Page Fee (any page in excess of the six page limit in a Springer paper): $50 USD per page;
- BICA Society Membership: $50 USD per year (complimentary for registered participants, declining will not reduce the registration rate);
- Donation to BICA Society: Any amount (entirely optional).
Registration for BICA 2021 does not depend on the ACM IVA 2021 registration and by itself does not entitle participants to attend other IVA’21 events.
The shown amounts do not include tax. All payments are final - no refund for wrong payments or cancellations will be given. One registration payment covers one BICA 2021 publication in Studies in Computational Intelligence and one online presentation (a virtual poster or a virtual talk). BICA 2021 Special Event (TBD) is free for registered participants.